
posts by Tomas_r2
Inside the fight to ban — and destroy — PFAS ‘forever chemicals’

For over 40 years, Ted Van der Vlies and his wife Marga grew fruits and vegetables in their backyard on the outskirts of Dordrecht, the Netherlands. Onions, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, rhubarb, cherries, you name it.  Little did they know t

9mo | The Next Web
Pohřbí nová pozorování rivala temné hmoty, modifikovanou dynamiku MOND?

Modifikovaná newtonovská dynamika (MOND) se déle než čtyři desetiletí pokouší zaujmout místo životaschopné alternativy standardního kosmologického modelu s temnou hmotou. V poslední době ale dochází k vývoji, který je pro MOND spíše studenou sprchou. Temná hmota je sice stále temná, ale vesmír vysvětluje obstojně.

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Projekt Hephaistos má sedm kandidátů na nekompletní Dysonovy sféry

Pokud jsou v Mléčné dráze technologicky vyspělé civilizace, mohli bychom nalézt stopy jejich aktivity. Vědci v projektu Hephaistos pátrají po nekompletních Dysonových sférách, které by měly vyzařovat infračervené záření středních vlnových délek. Z 5 milionů zdrojů záření vybrali 7 slibných kandidátů. Jde o červené trpaslíky se zvláštním zářením. Stojí za pozornost, ať to jsou Dysonovy sféry nebo ne.

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Doomscrolling in bed is ruining your sleep. Here’s how to stop

Like many of us, Jessica Peoples has heard the warnings about excessive screen time at night. Still, she estimates spending 30 to 60 minutes on her phone before going to sleep, mostly scrolling through social media.

“Recently, I’ve been trying to limit the amount,” says Peoples, a discrimination investigator with the state of New Jersey. “I do notice t

The new iPad Air is as light as . . . rocks. Here’s what to know before buying

This week Apple revealed its new iPads for 2024. The company introduced the M4 iPad Pro and the M2 iPad Air, which both now come in 13-inch and 11-inch sizes for the first time.

Following years of very little innovation in the iPad category, the refresh is welcome. But aside from the new sizes and certain technical enhancements to the iPad Pro, such as the OLED displ

Tesla will spend $500 million on the Supercharger network after firing the team

Tesla will spend more than $500 million this year to expand its fast-charging network, CEO Elon Musk said on Friday, days after abruptly laying off employees who were running the business.

“Just to reiterate: Tesla will spend well over $500M expanding our Supercharger network to create thousands of NEW chargers this year,” M

Spektakulární úspěch: Minihra v Borderlands 3 pomohla výzkumu mikrobiomu

Minihra Borderlands Science! zdařile propojila vědce, herní vývojáře a obrovskou masu hráčů, kteří se stali občanskými vědci a ani to moc nebolelo. Úspěšný projekt ukazuje cestu pro popularizaci výzkumu a sbližování odborníků s veřejností. Jak je vidět, klíčem je odvaha zkoušet nové věci.

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Algorithms can remove bias blind spots, study shows

Algorithms are a staple of modern life. People rely on algorithmic recommendations to wade through deep catalogs and find the best movies, routes, information, products, people and investments. Because people train algorithms on their decisions – for example, algorithms that make recommendations on e-commerce and social media sites – algorithms learn and codify human biases.

British Navy taps VR to train sailors in warship navigation

The Royal Navy has installed VR simulators at three military training sites in the UK.  The simulators, built by Portsmouth-based Metaverse VR, recreate the bridge of a warship. A bridge, or wheelhouse, is like an aeroplane cockpit for ships. The Navy hopes

9mo | The Next Web
This week in Dutch tech

Friday is here, the sun is shining and it’s time for your weekly round-up of news from the Dutch tech ecosystem.  This week saw advances in hydrogen fuel cells, a big sale for chip-equipment maker ASML, and concerns over how right-wing politics will disrupt Du

9mo | The Next Web
Pussy Riot lawyer launches blockchain-based poll to challenge legitimacy of Russian elections

Russian voters who do not believe the 2024 presidential election was a just affair can now raise their voices via a blockchain-secured and encrypted referendum through the app Russia2024.  This year’s presidential elections in March saw tens of tho

9mo | The Next Web
4 experts on how to get the most out of dating apps

App-based online dating has been part of our lives for a decade now.

What was once an exciting, novel way to meet a potential partner or hookup has become the norm. Millions of users are looking for connections online. But it seems the excitement has worn off. Articles and memes routinely pop up around the fact that dating apps have become as much of a slog as old-fashioned

Tesla’s EV charging team layoffs could slow down Biden’s NEVI rollout, here’s why

Elon Musk’s decision to gut Tesla’s electric-vehicle charging team is scrambling plans for rolling out new fast-charging stations and may delay President Joe Biden’s efforts to

Here’s how California state agencies plan to use generative AI

Generative artificial intelligence tools will soon be used by California’s government.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration announced Thursday the state will partner with five companies to develop and test generative AI tools that could improve public service.

California is am

This clever, “poisonous” new software is helping artists defend their work from AI

Since ChatGPT debuted in late 2022, sparking a frenzy of artificial intelligence development, artists have faced a dilemma. In order to build an audience for their work, they need to share it online. But by sharing it online, they risk having it used by tech companies, which train their AI models on the art without the artist’s consent, and without compensation.


AI is helping drive motorsports teams for General Motors

It will likely be a long time before motorsports organizations like NASCAR see self-driving cars compete, but that doesn’t mean artificial intelligence has no place in the sport.

At General Motors’ Charlotte Technical Center in North Carolina, a team of software and automotive experts harness AI to give GM racers an advantage in NASCAR, IndyCar, IMSA, and other races. The technology is used during races to do everything from delivering real-time transcriptions of driver

25 Snapchat Statistics & Facts For 2024 via @sejournal, @annabellenyst

Uncover 25 must-know facts about Snapchat and harness its power as both a major social media player and an effective marketing tool.

The post 25 Snapchat Statistics & Facts For 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Jmenný seznam těch, kteří v tom jedou s námi.

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Inside BlueHalo’s quest to make the Pentagon’s laser weapon dreams a reality

After decades of research and development, the U.S. military is officially using laser weapons in combat zones overseas.

The U.S. Army recently disclosed that the service had not only deployed a pair of 20-kilowatt palletized high-energy laser (P-HEL) systems—built on Virginia-based defense contractor BlueHalo’s Locust Laser Weapon System—abroad

Tajemství mnohopupíkatých koláčků

Koláčky obětované při antických obřadech bývaly rozličné. Zvláštní roli měly omfalické obřadní předměty s výstupkem uprostřed. A naprosto zvláštní by byly koláčky polyomfalické, tedy mnohopupíkaté. Ty známe jenom z textu křesťanského učence Kléménta z Alexandrie a z orfického Papyru Derveni. Asi o nich psal už Hérakleitos, nejspíš to měl být vtip.

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Between hyper-focus and burnout: Developing with ADHD

Eira and Ryan talk with Chris Ferdinandi, a front-end developer and ADHD advocate, about his diagnosis experience, the importance of accommodations for neurodivergent folks, and some advice for devs looking for the best tools and tactics for managing ADHD at work.

‘Deadbots’ and the ‘digital afterlife industry’ risk haunting the living, researchers warn

AI ethicists have called for urgent safeguards against an emerging “digital afterlife” industry. The concerns centre on chatbots that mimic the appearances, speech, and personalities of dead people. Known as “deadbots” or “griefbots,” these AI clones are traine

9mo | The Next Web
Nano Nuclear wants to reinvent the nuclear power business—but it could take a while

Nuclear energy is responsible for 19% of U.S. electricity production, fourth in line behind natural gas, coal, and renewable energy sources such as wind. All three of those other sources seem to have a better future than the stagnant nuclear power business, which has seen only three new reactors built in the past 20 years.

This week, a two-year-old company, Nano Nuclear Energy, is expected to go public on Nasdaq with a plan to solve what ails the nuclear power business.


How DHS is hustling to leverage—and contain—generative AI

Welcome to AI DecodedFast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

How the Department of Homeland Security uses AI

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which employs 260,000 people, is res

Experiment BES III hlásí možný důkaz existence glueballů

Hadrony, jako třeba protony či neutrony, jsou tvořeny kvarky, které drží pohromadě gluony, elementární částice, co zprostředkovávají silnou interakci. Když se k sobě slepí několik gluonů, měla by vzniknout svérázná částice glueball. Fyzici je doposud lovili bez úspěchu. Dokázali to na experimentu BES III?

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LLMs have become a weapon of information warfare

A propaganda network linked to Russia has sparked alarm about a new weapon of information warfare: large language models (LLMs). The operation was unearthed by Recorded Future, a threat intelligence firm founded by two Swedish computer scientists. In early Marc

9mo | The Next Web
The NYPD’s ‘unprofessional’ social media posts are under investigation

New York City’s watchdog agency has launched an investigation into allegations that the city’s police department improperly used its official social media accounts to target public officials and private citizens.

The city Dep

TikTok is now labeling AI-generated content

TikTok will begin labeling content created using artificial intelligence when it’s uploaded from outside its own platform.

TikTok says its efforts are an attempt to combat misin

Záhadní a fascinující stegosauři

…aneb Nové poznatky o vzniku i konci pozoruhodných tyreoforů

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Where the human brain (still) has an edge over AI

In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming returned from a two-week vacation and realized he had made a significant oversight. In his haste to leave for his holiday, he had left a messy pile of petri dishes on his workstation. As he began to dispose of the dishes, something unusual caught his eye: a mold had formed around the bacteria in one of the petri dishes.

Upon closer examination, Fleming made a startling discovery. The mold wasn’t just growing—it was actively inhibiti

TNW Podcast: Peter Sarlin on AI in Europe; let’s talk about carbon capture

Welcome to the new episode of the TNW Podcast — the show where we discuss the latest developments in the European technology ecosystem and feature interviews with some of the most interesting people in the industry. In today’s episode, Linnea and Andrii talk a

9mo | The Next Web
How To Use ChatGPT For Keyword Research via @sejournal, @dansmull

Master the art of keyword research with ChatGPT. Speed up your process and gain valuable insights for your SEO strategy.

The post How To Use ChatGPT For Keyword Research appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Russia is at the center of a U.N. debate over banning nuclear weapons in orbit

Russia went toe to toe with the rest of the world on Monday at the U.N. General Assembly, where officials overwhelmingly condemned Moscow’s veto last month of a measure reaffirming that nuclear weapons would not be placed in orbit.

The meeting gave member nations an opportunity to present their views on the weaponization of space and, more specifically, to respond to Russia’s unilateral veto of a joint proposal from the U.S. and Japan that was cosponsored by 65 nations. In a surpri

Surgery outcomes can vary wildly for the same procedure. This AI platform is changing that

When Dr. Tamir Wolf diagnosed his wife and a former boss with appendicitis in 2016, he referred each to a different hospital for their appendectomies. Though his wife was in and out within 12 hours and had a smooth recovery, his boss nearly died.

“It was mind-boggling,” Wolf says. “They had very similar situations, very different decisions, very different treatments and very different outcomes.” In an effort to reduce outcome disparities between hospitals and even surgeons, Wolf la

7 Automotive SEO Best Practices For Driving Business In 2024 via @sejournal, @AdamHeitzman

Want to improve the online visibility of your automotive business and drive new customers in the dealership door? You need SEO to outrun the competition.

The post 7 Automotive SEO Best Practices For Driving Business In 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

The key technologies fuelling chatbot evolution

Most of us are familiar with chatbots on customer service portals, government departments, and through services like Google Bard and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. They are convenient, easy to use, and always available, leading to their growing use for a diverse

9mo | The Next Web
Baterie BaroMar na mořském dně nabídnou nejlevnější skladování energie

Izraelská společnost BaroMar navrhuje uskladňovat energii pro rozvodné sítě v bateriích se stlačeným vzduchem. Díky ponoření do několikasetmetrové hloubky mohou být jednoduché a tím pádem velmi levné. Vhodných lokalit u pobřeží je prý spousta. Brzy by měli spustit pilotní projekt na Kypru.

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Thousands of Tesla jobs mysteriously vanish from EV maker’s websites after mass layoffs and ongoing turmoil

Working at Tesla just got a lot more competitive—as in, practically impossible. At least for now. That’s because the 140,000-person company, which recently laid off a huge chunk of its workforce, now seems to be in a near-complete hiring freeze, Quartz reported today.

Just weeks ago, over 3,400 positions were available across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Now, only three

Bumble shares surge as the dating giant beats first-quarter revenue estimates

Bumble reported better-than-expected revenue for its first quarter on Wednesday, a sign the company’s push into drawing in singles is working despite broader concerns over industry growth.

Shares were up more than 7% in after-hours trading on the report.

Bumble, which also owns Fruitz, Badoo, Official, and Bumble For Friends, reported total revenue of $267.8 million, w

Google DeepMind’s AlphaFold 3 could speed up drug discovery for diseases

Google Deepmind has unveiled the third major version of its “AlphaFold” artificial intelligence model, designed to help scientists design drugs and target disease more effectively.

In 2020, the company made a significant advance in molecular biology by using AI to successfully predict the behaviour of microscopic proteins.

With the latest incarnation of AlphaFold, research