Google quietly updated the Vacation Rental structured data recommendations to clarify what is required for the address information
The post Google Clarifies Vacation Rental Structured Data appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google rolls out Search Console enhancements allowing owners to remove, verify unused ownership tokens for improved security.
The post Google Strengthens Search Console Security With Token Removal Tools appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

PhotonVentures, a Dutch deep tech fund aiming to boost Europe’s photonics industry, has closed its second fundraising round with over €15mn — bringing its total capital to €75mn. The fund targets startups and scaleups developing solutions with photonic

We have all been guilty of falling under the foundation model spell of the past year-and-a-half, initiated by OpenAI’s unveiling of ChatGPT to the public. But it is not only where large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 are concerned that inc

Google launches AI image tools for advertisers to streamline creative production in Demand Gen campaigns.
The post Google Ads Introduces Generative AI Tools For Demand Gen Campaigns appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Looking for ways to strengthen your digital acquisition strategy this year? You’re certainly not alone. Between resource constraints, fierce competition and lack of insights, it can be pretty challenging for businesses to acquire new customers and expand their digital footprint. That’s why we’re hosting an exclusive webinar this month to empower enterprises with the tools and insights needed to thrive in today’s dynamic landscape. Join us on April 24, as we share a scalable and sustainable

Discover how subtle intent shifts can impact your site's organic traffic. Get expert insights on Core Updates and stay ahead of the game.
The post Butterfly Effect: How Core Updates Make Subtle User Intent Changes appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

French SaaS company Planisware launched its initial public offering (IPO) today, reaching a valuation of €1.11bn. This is the largest IPO on the Euronext Paris stock exchange in the past three years. Planisware was founded in 1996 by Yves Humblot, Pierre Demon

In 2013, Dutch scientist Mark Post unveiled the world’s first cultivated meat burger on live television — taking lab-grown meat from the realm of science fiction to science fact. Post ended up turning his invention into a startup called Mosa Mea

There’s been a popular theory floating around conspiracy circles for about seven or eight years now. It’s called the “Dead Internet” theory, and its main argument is that the organic, human-created content that powered the early web in the 1990s and 2000s has been usurped by artificially created content, which now dominates what people see online. Hence, the internet is “dead” because the content most of us consume is no longer created by living beings (humans).
But there’s another

Boost your ads campaign performance with Google Ads extensions, now assets. Learn how to use these assets to your advantage with this comprehensive guide.
The post 12 Types Of Google Ads Extensions, Now Assets appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google's John Mueller offers practical advice for picking a domain name that is adaptable for future growth
The post Google On Hyphens In Domain Names appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

More than 50 European VCs and startups have joined forces to launch Climate Brick — a new community designed to fast-track investment in green technologies. Climate Brick launched today along with what its founders claim to be one of the most compreh

Stop stressing over keyword optimization and instead learn why focusing on solutions and user benefit is key to SEO success.
The post How Do Keyword Optimizations Change After Helpful Content Update? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Discover how to outrank competitors by building superior backlinks and enhancing your site’s SEO with these advanced tips & expert insights.
The post 24 Effective Link Building Tactics That Work In 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

On this episode: Stack Overflow senior data scientist Michael Geden tells Ryan and Ben about how data scientists evaluate large language models (LLMs) and their output. They cover the challenges involved in evaluating LLMs, how LLMs are being used to evaluate other LLMs, the importance of data validating, the need for human raters, and more needs and tradeoffs involved in selecting and fine-tuning LLMs. https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/04/16/how-do-you-evaluate-an-llm-try-an-llm/

Google to stop serving ad customizers for text ads and dynamic search ads, pushing marketers to responsive search ads.
The post Google Ads To Retire Customizers For Text Ads appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Ask most people in the U.S. to name an electric vehicle company, and one word will immediately come to mind: Tesla. Elon Musk’s EV firm has dominated discourse—and dominates the market in many areas. It had a 62% share of the EV market in the United States in 2022. But times are tough, and Monday’s announcement that Tesla will be laying off more than 10% of its staff, or 14,000 people, is an indication tha

Google still dominates Gen Z search habits despite rising social media usage; study shows.
The post Google Is Still Gen Z’s Top Search Engine, Study Shows appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

For decades, the United States has been widely recognized as the most sophisticated nation in terms of cybersecurity, holding titles such as top cyber power and the most cyber-capable nation in the world. However, in recent years countries like Chi

In 2010, Noah Wilson-Rich was juggling several jobs while earning his PhD in biology at Tufts University: He taught classes at several nearby universities, and one day a week, tended bar at a cafe in the lobby of the Hult International Business School.
On one of his shifts, he overheard customers discussing a competition for entrepreneurs. The next day, he entered, pitching a company that would gather insect health data at beehives. “They were like, ‘The bartender won?’ said Wilson
![Zamyšlení nad post-kvantovou kryptografií – D. Pikálek (KPMG) [seminář MPN 24.4.2024]](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/K/a/Q/J/M/zamysleni-nad-post-kvantovou-kryptografii-d-pikalek-kpmg-seminar-mpn-24-4-2024.webp)

The boom of artificial intelligence has spurred a regulatory frenzy across the globe — and Europe is at the forefront of the developments. Both the EU and the UK are attempting to find the elusive balance between leveraging AI’s growth and mitigating potential

The key strategies for building a headache-free data platform https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/04/15/how-to-succeed-as-a-data-engineer-without-the-burnout/

…aneb Jak vypadal ekosystém nově popsaného tyranosaura http://www.osel.cz/13438-domov-druhu-tyrannosaurus-mcraeensis.html

Space nerds delight: you can now play as an astronaut in Fortnite. You can even team up with your buddies to build a lunar habitat based on real future missions of the European Space Agency. Designed by Epic Games, Lunar Horizons is set at t

Elon Musk has reportedly announced a round of mass layoffs at Tesla, according to Electrek. In an email reportedly sent to employees, the Tesla CEO announced that the carmaker would cut “more than 10%” of its global workforce. Last year, Tesla reported having just over 140,000 workers, so such a reduction would mean at least 14,000 Tesla employees will be laid off.
Fast Co

While it’s commonly said we live in the information era, I like calling it something else: the screen age. Over the past seventy years, we’ve seen displays seep into almost every aspect of our lives. We had televisions arrive in our homes, reshap

Tech companies are on the hunt for unprecedented numbers of computer science people—many of them PhDs—to build and apply generative AI systems. But such talent is in limited supply.
Five of the major AI employers—Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI—are hiring 501 generative AI roles between them, according to their corporate job boards. , as well as 1,725 people in the b

The pros and cons of search marketing generalists and strategists is important to get the right resources or agency for your brand.
The post Search Marketing Generalists Vs. Specialists: Pros And Cons appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google ranked a Reddit post in the top ten within 5 minutes but denies it is showing a preference
The post Reddit Post Ranks On Google In 5 Minutes – What’s Going On? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Discover how to demonstrate expertise, authority, trustworthiness, and experience for your content by learning about the latest updates to Google's search quality rater guidelines.
The post Google E-E-A-T: What Is It & How To Demonstrate It For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Astrofyzici prozkoumali rekordní gama záblesk GRB 221009A, přezdívaný B.O.A.T. a potvrdili, že šlo o supernovu, tedy kolaps a následnou explozi velké hvězdy. Zároveň se ale ukázalo, že šlo o běžnou, nikoliv výjimečně silnou supernovu a že při této explozi oproti očekávání zřejmě nevznikly velmi těžké prvky jako zlato či platina. http://www.osel.cz/13437-pripad-b-o-a-t-nejjasnejsi-gama-zablesk-odpalilo-zhrouceni-masivni-hvezdy.html

Jméno dostala podle písně Beatles, kterou večer hráli v táboře v den kdy jí v údolí Awash našli. Přesto, že by jí dnes táhlo na 32 milionů let, podařilo se zjistit nejen kde a jak chodila, ale i jak vypadala. Je ale tato samice raného australopitéka skutečně matkou nás všech, jak se traduje? http://www.osel.cz/13436-slavime-padesatiny-nalezu-etiopanky-prezdivane-lucy.html

Finští Vantaan Energia vybudují masivní podzemní úložiště tepla Varanto, v hloubce kolem 100 metrů pod městem Vantaa. Tvoří ho 3 umělé jeskyně, které budou naplněné vodou, díky zvýšenému tlaku ohřátou až na 140 °C. Varanto udrží dostatek tepla na vytápění středně velkého finského města po dobu 1 roku. http://www.osel.cz/13435-umele-podzemni-jeskyne-s-horkou-vodou-pojmou-90-gwh-tepla.html

Andrew Callaghan is the host of Channel 5 on YouTube, where he does street interviews with fascinating humans at the edges of society, the so-called vagrants, vagabonds, runaways, outlaws, from QAnon adherents to Phish heads to O Block residents and much more. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
- ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial
- BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off
- LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get

Ryby se mohou potopit do hloubek kolem osmi kilometrů. Možnosti savců včetně člověka jsou omezenější. Přesto představují ponory do hlubin jeden z nejúžasnějších výkonů, jakých se můžeme stát v živočišné říši svědky. http://www.osel.cz/13434-vzhuru-do-hlubin.html

Jeepers creepers, do I love me some lists.
Basic task juggling aside, I make lists for everything—places I want to visit, books I want to read, lists I want to make. You name it.
And this week, my list of intriguing new tools to chew over led me to a really neat app for a specific type of list thinking.
It’s a thoughtfully crafted tool that’s designed to give you a better, more pleasant setup for sharing lists—with friends, family, coworkers

We are officially reaching the phase in the tech cycle where a new technology (in this case, artificial intelligence) goes from truly wondrous to truly annoying. Every organization now seems to be using it—or the idea of it—to ride the hype wave to achieve attention, clicks, or, you know, just a few more customers. And it’s starting to annoy the hell out of m

Google tests limiting California news links, warning proposed pay-for-link law could harm local outlets.
The post Google Limits News Links In California Over Proposed ‘Link Tax’ Law appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Why Query Deserves Ads is where the search industry is headed
The post Query Deserves Ads Is Where Google Is Headed appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Výzkum mimozemsky vypadající kokolitky Braarudosphaera bigelowii a jejího tajuplného endosymbionta, sinice UCY-A, přinesl překvapivý objev. Podle všeho jsme svědky probíhajícího zrodu organely pro fixaci dusíku, takzvaného nitroplastu. Budoucí organela už má synchronizovaný růst s hostitelskou buňkou a používá proteiny, které jí buňka vyrábí. http://www.osel.cz/13433-nitroplasty-jsou-casnou-fazi-premeny-dusik-fixujici-sinice-na-organelu.html

Dutch ebike maker VanMoof has begun selling ebikes on its own website once more, following an almost year-long hiatus after it went bankrupt in July last year. The models on offer are refreshed versions of the S5 and A5, which were first released in

Amazon’s announcement last week that it was ditching its Just Walk Out technology from its U.S. Fresh stores, which allowed customers to shop and leave without checking out through a register, came with an interesting silver lining: The tech behemoth was replacing that technology with another shopping innovation, this time revolving around the shopping cart itself.
As part of last week’s news, Amazon said it would be expanding its

In this video, Scott talks to Nils Adermann about composer, Private Packagist, and Nil’s talk at php[tek] 2024. Links: Private Packagist – https://packagist.com/ Tickets to php[tek] 2024 – http://tinyurl.com/tek-2024-tickets
The post Community Corner: Nils Adermann appeared first on php[architect].

A weird technology has emerged as a leader in the quest for net zero. But this form of carbon capture, called Enhanced Rock Weathering (or ERW for short), still requires innovation — and government oversight. Society h

Homeowners delight: a startup from Slovenia has created what might just be the most badass security camera ever made. The “world-first” device is called Eve, but she ain’t no saint. Eve is an AI-powered home security system that fires paint